Making Unique Observations in a Very Cluttered World

Saturday, 18 August 2012

The Army Has Issued Anti-Suicide Nasal Spray To Keep Troops From Taking The 'Easy Out' -

The Army Has Issued Anti-Suicide Nasal Spray To Keep Troops From Taking The 'Easy Out' - 

US Navy 110907-N-KE148-015 Hospital Corpsman Christopher Bradburry administers an influenza vaccine via nasal injection to Hospital Corpsman 3rd Cl

The military suicide rate doubled in July. That's one of our troops, almost every day.
To come up with an answer, the Army recently gave 3 million dollars to a university of Indiana research center, and those researchers came back with this: Anti-Suicide Nasal Spray.
Katie Drummond of The Daily reports researchers found a naturally occuring neurochemical called thyrotropin-releasing hormone, or TRH, that has euphoric, calming, anti-depressant effects. News of the nasal spray comes as a relief to some, who had to endure spinal taps for injections of the medicine.
The Pentagon, which tracks military suicides, reported that troops have committed the act at an 18 percent increase over the same period last year. Now, more troops die by their own hands that by the hands of the Taliban in Afghanistan.
The spray is only possible because of advances in "nanotechnology delivery systems." Researchers plan to run a full battery of trials over the next few years, and hopefully put the spray not only in the hands of soldiers, but civilians as well.
The scientists say that applications go beyond anti-depression medications.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/suicide-rates-double-in-july-army-issues-nasal-spray-2012-8

Meet the 'Face-Kini', the latest craze to hit China's beaches as bathers wear masks to beat the sun's harmful rays -

Meet the 'Face-Kini', the latest craze to hit China's beaches as bathers wear masks to beat the sun's harmful rays - 
Stay away from the sun: Chinese beachgoers wearing body suits and protective head masks, dubbed 'face-kinis' by Chinese netizens, on a crowded public beach in Qingdao, northeast China's Shandong province

One way to avoid the dangerous rays of the sun is to stay indoors, another is to apply a healthy layer of sun cream and slap on a wide-brimmed hat.
If you’re in China, however, there is a third option - a 'Face-Kini' complete with a body suit. 
The name describes a protective head mask that is being used in Shandong province's East China Sea coast by beach-goers who want to protect their skin from the sun.

The clothing was invented around seven years ago and is now under mass production and on sale at swimwear stores along the coast.

They are selling factory-made Face-Kinis for 15 to 25 yuan (£1 to to £2.50) each.
They are also extremely effective at repelling insects and jellyfish.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2189877/Meet-Face-Kini-latest-craze-hit-Chinas-beaches-bathers-wear-masks-beat-suns-harmful-rays.html