Man Found Living On Top Of Waffle House - was spotted by an air conditioner repairman -
It appears someone took the “House” in Waffle House a little too literally. At the Gordon Highway location, crews were called in after reports that a man was making the roof his home.
He was spotted by an air conditioner repairman. Cops and firefighters were called in to help the man down.
Crews weren’t sure how long he’d been up there, or even how he got up there. Someone shared their cell phone video with our crews.
Another witness, Marvin Stone, says he “just pulled up to work, saw the fireman on the roof, saw a couple cops on the roof, started asking questions and came to find out there was a guy stuck on the roof.”
James Mayle, when asked if he’d seen anything like, said “No, you never expect anything like this, a person on top of the roof at a Waffle house? No, never that.”
We’re told the unidentified man was dehydrated and taken to a nearby hospital